GitHub Repo Display and Single Repo Details Page

GitHub Repo Display and Single Repo Details Page

Implementing the GitHub API and Proper SEO in a React App


This project is a simple application that displays a list of repositories for a given GitHub user, and data for a single repository when clicked from the list of repos. The project also included the implementation of pagination for the repo list, error boundary, and 404 pages.

Technologies and Tools Used:

  • React

  • React Router

  • React Helmet

  • React Paginate

Project Setup

  1. To start the project, I created a new React project using create-react-app,

     $ npx create-react-app github-repo
  2. I then installed the additional libraries and dependencies required for the project, such as React Router, React Paginate, and React Helmet.

     $ npm install react-router-dom@6
     $ npm install react-paginate
     $ npm install react-helmet-async
  3. Next, I set up my workspace


Implementation Steps

  1. Once the basic setup was complete, the next step is to set the routes in the App.js file. First of all, I wrapped my App within the BrowserRouter imported from the react-router package in the Index.js file.

     import React from 'react';
     import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
     import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
     import './index.css';
     import App from './App';
     const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
         <App />

    Then I set the routes and nested routes in the App.js file

          <Route path="/">
             <Route index element={<GithubRepo />} />
             <Route path="/repo/:id" element={<RepoDetails />} />
          <Route path="/error-boundary" element={<ErrorBoundaryExample />} />
          <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />
  2. The next step was to implement the main page which is github-repo.jsx for displaying the list of repositories. I used the useState and useEffect Hooks to fetch data from the GitHub API for a specific user. I specified the endpoint to be[USERNAME]/repos, where [USERNAME] is replaced with the desired user's username.

    I made the API call inside a useEffect hook, which triggers the fetch when the component mounts. I saved the response data in a state variable called items. I also added a loading state variable, which is set to true while the data is being fetched and set to false once the data is returned. This allows me to display a loading message while the data is being fetched and the repo list once the data is available.

      const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
      const [users] = useState("muzardemoses"); 
      const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
      useEffect(() => {
         const FetchRepos = async () => {
           const res = await fetch(
             `${users}/repos?    page=1&per_page=12&sort=updated`
           const data = await res.json();
       }, [users]);
  3. Next, I implemented pagination for the repo list using the react-paginate library. I calculated the number of pages needed based on the number of items in the list and the number of items to display per page. I then added a page change handler function that updates the current page number state variable and re-renders the component with the appropriate set of repos for the new page.

    I displayed the repo list by mapping over the repos in the items state variable and rendering a component for each repo. I also added a link to each repo that leads to a page with more details about the specific repo.

     const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(0);
     const usersPerPage = 4;
     const pagesVisited = pageNumber * usersPerPage;
      const displayRepos = items
         .slice(pagesVisited, pagesVisited + usersPerPage)
         .map((item) => {
           return (
             <div className="">
               <div key={} className="sub-repo">
                 <Link to={`/repo/${}`}>
                   {item.private ? (
                     <p className="piv">Private</p>
                   ) : (
                     <p className="piv">Public</p>
               <div className="line"></div>
       const pageCount = Math.ceil(items.length / usersPerPage);
       const changePage = ({ selected }) => {
  4. Implementing Nested Routes and Single Repo Display

    To display more details about a specific repo, I have already implemented nested routes using the react-router-dom library in the App.js file. I created a new component called RepoDetails and added a route for it as a child of the GithubRepo route. The RepoDetails route includes a dynamic segment that allows me to pass the repo ID as a prop to the component.

    In the RepoDetails component, I made another API call to the GitHub API to fetch the details for a specific repo. I specified the endpoint to be[USERNAME]/[REPO], where [USERNAME] is the user's username and [REPO] is the repo name. I saved the response data in a state variable and used it to display the details about the repo, including the repo name, description, language, and creation date.

       const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
       const [users] = useState("muzardemoses");
       const params = useParams();
       useEffect(() => {
         const FetchRepos = async () => {
           const res = await fetch(
           const data = await res.json();
       }, [users]);
       const repo = items.filter((item) => === Number(;
      { => {
               return (
                 <div key={}>
                   <div className="single-repo-name">
                       {item.private ? (
                         <p className="piv">Private</p>
                       ) : (
                         <p className="piv">Public</p>
                   <div className="single-repo-desc">
                     <div className="repo-line">
                     {/* if statement for language (css, html, javascript) */}
                       {item.language === "JavaScript" ? (
                         <span className="lang">
                           <span className="j-circle"></span> JavaScript
                       ) : item.language === "HTML" ? (
                         <span className="lang">
                           <span className="h-circle"></span> HTML
                       ) : item.language === "CSS" ? (
                         <span className="lang">
                           <span className="c-circle"></span> CSS
                       ) : item.language === "TypeScript"(
                         <span className="lang">
                           <span className="t-circle"></span> TypeScript
                       Updated on 
                       {format(new Date(item.updated_at), " dd MMMM yyyy")}
                      {/* repo link */}
                       <a href={item.html_url} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="url">
                         View Repository on Github
                     {/* live website */}
                       <a href={item.homepage} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="live">
                         Live Website
                   <button onClick={() => navigate(-1)} className="repo-btn" >Back</button>
  5. To handle errors in the application, I created a ErrorBoundary component that wraps the components that may throw errors. The ErrorBoundary component implements the componentDidCatch lifecycle method, which catches any errors thrown by the wrapped components and displays an error message to the user.

  6. I also implemented a 404 page for when a user navigates to a non-existent route. I used the "*" value for the path prop is a special wildcard character that matches any path that hasn't already been matched by another route, and if so, displays the 404 page.

        <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />
  7. To ensure proper SEO for the pages, I used the react-helmet library to add relevant titles, descriptions, and canonical tags to the head of each page.

    I will wrap the root App within HelmetProvider imported from react-helmet-async in the index.js file.

     const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
         <App />

    This is how I use it in github-repo.js file

             <title>Repo Details</title>
             <meta name="description" content="Repo Details" />
  8. Lastly, I created a file called _redirects with no extensions

     /*    /index.html    200


Before deployment, I tested the application to make sure all the features were working as expected.


After testing the application and being satisfied that it is working fine, I pushed the codes to GitHub from my local terminal using this process:

  • Open the terminal and create a new git repository

      $ git init
  • I then add all my current files to the repository and then bundle them in a commit

      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • Created a new repository in my GitHub account, and copied the repository's remote URL

  • I then connect the remote repository to your local Git repository with the following command

      $ git remote add origin <remote repository URL>
  • Finally, I push my changes from my local repository to my new remote repository

      $ git push -u origin main

After pushing to GitHub, I host my site on Netlify using my Github repository. You can check how to host to Netlify from Github here


In conclusion, I was able to successfully implement a web application that fetches and displays a list of repositories from the GitHub API, allows users to view details of a single repository, and includes proper SEO, an error boundary page, and a 404 page. The project required the use of React, the react-router-dom library, and the react-paginate library, as well as the use of the GitHub API and the react-helmet library.


I want to thank AltSchool Africa for giving me the opportunity to learn and improve my skills as a developer.

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